Does Kundli is always right?
What do you mean by kundli? Kundli is a birth chart, Janam kundli or also known as janampatri. As soon as a child takes birth everyone start predicting his future and his career through Kundli.
Everyone goes through the Janam kundali predictions for their little babies. For those who believe in the horoscope (kundli), does it change over time or remain the same?
The Lagna Kundli is a static Kundli and it remains the same, no matter what, just like your DNAs. However, for any person, an individual, or any being, the DNAs remain the same but that ‘being’ changes from, say an egg to zygote to a fetus to a baby, and then he/ she grows up attains age, height, weight, maturity and further down the line, the agedness or diseases linked to lifestyle, environment or simply the age. Similarly, the Lagna Kundli remains the same; as, it is, in fact, the celestial position of the planets at the time of an individual’s birth which is a cosmic DNA.
So, an individual’s chart provides the basic parameters of his/ her life and events. Also, these indications have to be considered under the broader perspective of, “Desh ( Region), Kaal (Times) and Patra (individual)” for accurate analysis.
But as we all know, ‘Only change is consistent’. So, basically with respect to time things will change. Those who are alive today may not be there tomorrow. With time the position of planets keep on changing, providing us the Transits (Gochar). Similarly the Vimshottari and other Dasha Systems also plays their part in accordance to the Natal Chart. Whosoever is ruling your Dasha or Antardasha shall be more effective and strong than any other planet and the results thereof shall be delivered to you through the transits.
The top 10 Astrologers in India consiiders an individuals’ Lagna Kundli, to get the basic idea of the life and times of the person. Then he considers any of the Divisional Chart as per the Question in hand, from these parameters he gains the basic knowledge of the question and the individual. Further he/ she analyses the Dasha System and the Gochar to indicate the promised delivery of the individual’s desires.
Lets consider a couple who fell in love. Their Nakshatra, Lagna, Lagna Lord, Saptmesh and 7th Lord played their respective roles when their times were ripe as per Dasha/ Antardash. This dasha may change for good and the couple may get into a nuptial knot, or if the antardasha and transits are not favorable, they may break up after that time (antar dasha). So, basically, the Charts remained the same, but the relationship continued only for the period destined by Dasha and Transit.
Continuing with the second stage, when they are happily married, even then, their affection may not remain the same. Whether we consider the psychological factors or demographic factors like the getting used to each other’s presence, discovering the flaws in each other, expanding in the family, job progression etc., The same kind of things are indicated in your Dasha system, where in, each of these progressions are indicated and the individual’s reaction/ adaptation to them is promised. FinallyFinally, it can be concluded that the love remains, but the intensity changes with respect to time!